Hello, my name is Keren and my husband is Nic. I grew up with an intense love of dogs. I knew every breed by sight, and you could not see my bedroom wallpaper for all the dog pictures covering it. My first love was a Whippet, but I love all dogs without bias. Our goal in breeding is to produce loving, healthy puppies that are a blessing to their family in a way that only a dog can be.
We do DNA health and breed testing with Embark and Paw Print Genetics. All our dogs have full veterinary exams with special attention to patellar, heart, and eye OFA's. While we enjoy all the colours this breed comes in, our primary focus is health and temperament.
Our commitment to providing families with a Pomeranian puppy that suits their lifestyle and needs means that we begin at birth to raise the puppies with a curriculum that empowers them for their lives. At 8 weeks of age, we do puppy evaluations to understand each puppy's temperament, and strive to give our clients all the tools and information we can to help them choose their new family member.
We are always learning. As evidence of this, the way we raise our puppies and dogs changes with us. The more we research, the more concerned we are with vaccinations, primarily given too early and also how many are given at once. As of now, we are recommending new puppy parents wait until 12 weeks to vaccinate. Thus, they will leave here without any. We have been hearing more and more very sad stories of adverse reactions to vaccinations and are not willing to risk it while they are in our care. Once in yours, you can, of course, do what you feel is right and hopefully you will do some research. You can find a place to start under our Resource Tab. We are also starting a new protocol with our own puppies that includes them gaining immunity naturally and your new puppy has been receiving parvo and distemper nosodes. If this interests you, please don't hesitate to ask us more about it. We strongly encourage the use of titer testing before vaccinations after leaving here.
We feed our dogs a Raw Food Diet and are happy to talk about that with you. Our puppies are weaned onto Open Farm kibble and Raw simply because most people do not feed Raw and we do not want to stress the puppy's system with going from raw to kibble. However, if you are interested in feeding raw, we are happy to help with that transition.
Resources regarding vaccinations and raw food diet can be found under the Resource tab in the menu. We will continue to add to it as time goes on.
Our babies are adopted quickly, so reach out to see if our dogs are the right fit for you or to ask any questions. You can also download and fill out the Client Interest Form below and email it to sidney.spitz21@gmail.com